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Thu 23-Feb-2023 Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Heading to El Paso

Heading to El Paso

Before leaving Roper Lake SP we decided to hike the Mariah Mesa Trail —a short (less than a mile) trail up to a mesa with spectacular views of the Gila River Valley and surrounding mountains.

While on the mesa we talked with a couple who had driven in from Las Cruces NM yesterday during the rain, wind, and snow. They told us that in the New Mexico portion of the drive the dust storms required them to slow to 30-40 miles per hour. When they stopped for fuel near the Arizona line, they were told that Interstate 10 was being closed behind them. Then they hit the snow and rain; our fellow camper said he had never driven in such terrible conditions.

Today as we drove Interstate 10, we noted an unusual number of semis. At the westbound Border Patrol stop, the trucks were lined up for more than a mile. At the westbound construction, the line of traffic, heavily trucks, was three miles or more. We think that many of these trucks had had to stop because of yesterday’s storms so now there were twice as many trucks heading west.

We reached El Paso by about 3:30 and took care of a number of housekeeping chores. Laundermat. Shopping at Vista Central Market which David walked to while I did laundry. Walmart for the rest of our groceries. We are spending the night in the Walmart parking lot after a nice dinner that included mixed grill from the Vista market.



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