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Sat 18-Feb-2023 Arizona, Travel | | Map

KOFA Queen Canyon Road

KOFA Queen Canyon Road

We moved about 25 miles to another site off a four-wheel drive track. We moved because we like to see new desert and because we have good ATT service here.

It truly is interesting how the desert changes. While some of the flora are the same — creosote, saguaro, cholla, and Palo verdes, there are new plants on the desert floor here — desert mat, jojoba, a desert daisy, and more mesquite than at our last location. Some of the brittle bush is in full bloom.

Our mile or so walk into the desert was an easy stroll. We chose to walk up one of the washes. The sandy bottom with few rocks made for an easy walk. It is clear that the rains running off the nearby mountains mean that sheets of water pass through this area.

David wanted to cook our dinner over a fire so we hunted for some wood. There was plenty of mesquite and some palo verde for kindling. Usually when we are camping, all of the downed wood has been collected and burned, but few people here seem to have fires so there is lots of wood for us.
