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Sat 4-Feb-2023 Arizona, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Whitewater Draw

Whitewater Draw

Six years ago we drove from Kartchner Caverns SP to Whitewater Draw to see the sand hill cranes overwintering there. Today we repeated the trip with Christine and Udo stopping briefly to look at the abandoned copper mine near Bisbee — the Lavendar Pit.

There were differences today. Perhaps fewer birds, but certainly more people. Of course this was a Saturday so we should have expected more. But the birds circling as they returned from feeding and the noise they make was just as amazing.

On the trip back we stopped in Bisbee to walk the old town. Lots of beautiful old buildings restored and repurposed. Some of the art gallery’s and gift shops would be fun to explore. Again, lots of peoples. We stopped for a cold drink at a bar before heading north to Benson where we had a delicious dinner at Pablo’s Steak House. Again, very busy on a Saturday night.



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