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Sun 26-Feb-2023 Texas, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Governors Landing

Governors Landing

We didn’t get an early start from San Pedro Campground because it was raining and foggy. Finally about 11:00 the wind picked up , the fog disappeared, and the sun came out.

We drove to the Diablo entrance to Amistad NRA. At the end of that road is a well-used boat ramp, an RV dump and fish cleaning station, and the trailheads for two trails.

The first trail we tried was the Diablo East Nature trail. A pretty trail out on a peninsula with signs identifying the flora along the way. Lots of yucca, but also mesquite and acacia. The lake level is very low — perhaps 80-90 feet below highest point. From the nature trail we walked over to the 2.5 mile Diablo East Loop trail. Another nice trail that skirted along the old water edge, then turned inland to return to the parking lot. As we walked we could look down into the ravines where piers and boat ramps lay now on dry land.

We then drove to the Governors Landing campground. This 17 site campground is located on a peninsula with spectacular views of the reservoir. We have seen this campground from Route 90 as we traveled through and wondered about it. We found a just vacated site at the end of the peninsula so we have a 270 degree view of the reservoir. The weather is great — 80-degrees — but 20-mile per hour winds. We sat out for a while before dinner, but decided to shelter in the van for dinner.

We will spend two nights here and do some hiking near the shore.



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