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Sun 12-Feb-2023 Arizona, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Games Day

We had no great plans for today other than driving to the border where there is a convenience store where Janet hoped to get some milk. No luck. So we decided to drive north to Why where there is another convenience store, The Whynot. There we bought a gallon of milk. All this driving was also useful for charging our “house” batteries. We were at more than 70% when we got back to our site.

All of the sites at the end of the campground, particularly 201-208, are long enough for a van and have incredible views out into the desert. They are listed as ground tent only, but there are plenty of vans assigned to them.

Once back at our site we settled down to watch Purdue play Northwestern — sadly they lost. Good defense on the part of Northwestern, and poor shooting from Purdue. Following that game we tuned in for the Super Bowl. Our ATT hotspot gives us good internet to watch on YouTube TV,TV. We really don’t care who wins as we are from Philadelphia and are Mahomes fans.
