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Wed 1-Feb-2023 Arizona, New Mexico, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Arizona, Finally

Arizona, Finally

When people asked where we were going this winter, we always said Arizona. Today, two weeks after leaving home, we are in Arizona.

However, our day started in southern New Mexico. We drove to Deming NM in search of a tire repair store to repair the slow leak that had developed in our front right tire. Big O Tires took care of us efficiently.

From Deming we headed west on I-10 stopping only occasionally to stretch our legs. There is one rest stop after you enter Arizona that has incredible rock formations. We took a little longer break there to walk and take pictures.

In Benson we shopped briefly at the Safeway and then headed out to Kartchner Caverns State Park where we will stay for nearly a week. We don’t usually stay in one place for so long but it is a good starting point for a number of hikes and adventures. Our friends Udo and Christine will be joining us tomorrow.

During dinner we watched the Purdue/Penn State basketball game. We have excellent internet using our ATT hotspot. Purdue won!
