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Tue 20-Jan-2015 Texas, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Chiricahua Hiking

Chiricahua Hiking

Our hike today was more ambitious than we usually take, but in order to get into some of the most beautiful areas of the monument, we committed to an 8.5 mile loop that took us through the spires and columns, down through a valley (almost dry, but a bit of water left from a recent snow), then up again to another mountain top of features. From there we hiked a fairly level trail, descended again into a valley, then finally climbed up to the level where we had left Vanessa.  We ascended, and therefore descended, over 2000 feet during this hike.  We met one family and one single hiker during the entire day.

The trail was built between 1932 and 1942 by the CCC.  We can thank them for so many of the amazing hikes in our national and state parks and monuments.   David’s pictures will show not only the beauty of the geology, but also the marvelous condition of the trail.  What they built has lasted well and been well-maintained by the current staff.

We loved our hike and would do it again even though we are rather tired and will probably be stiff tomorrow.
