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Wed 7-Jan-2015 Texas, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Dallas to Austin

Today’s drive took us from Dallas to Austin.  We are anxious to get further south so we can enjoy slightly warmer weather.  While the upper-20s forecast for tonight are nothing like the -12–degrees forecast for West Lafayette, people here are not happy about the cold weather. 

We have settled into the McKinney Falls State Park in Texas; will stay here for at least a couple of days then head further west.  We have a good diesel heater and have an electric hookup here, so we will be toasty.

For dinner tonight we enjoyed plenty of fresh vegetables.  One of the things which surprised us sin Belize was the meager vegetable choices.  We did have a lot of good cabbage, but that and cukes were repeated over and over.  We did have good bananas, papya, and pineapple. 
