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Sun 4-Jan-2015 Belize, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Last Day on Sittee River

Our last day in Hopkins and the best swimming day yet.  The waves kept rolling in, breaking on the shallow sandbar allowing our grandchildren to body surf.  I love watching them in the water.

We started to pack for the trip home while watching the Colts defeat the Bengals.  Yes, we have DirecTV here.  We also have internet, but it is very slow.

Russ and Mary-Anne, our neighbors from Rental Number One, stopped by to see these digs.  We all laughed about the amount of room we have in this house plus “a real kitchen” as Mary-Anne called it.  I just wish we had had this kind of room when all 12 of our family were here.

Tonight we plan to finish off all the leftovers and finish packing for the trip back to Texas.  Jen is baking a cake so we can celebrate by birthday — which isn’t until Tuesday, ut by then they will be headed to Australia.

