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Tue 14-Feb-2023 Arizona, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Marine Corp Air Station Yuma

Marine Corp Air Station Yuma

Dave, one of David’s former PhD students, works at Marine Corp Air Station Yuma (MCAS) as a data analyst . He was able to take us on a tour of his office space and the hanger where they repair the airships they fly. The helicopter that does vertical takeoffs what pretty amazing to see. As I understand it, it is made to land troops into enemy locations after other “gun ships” like the Cobra have cleared out the area. The airfield is also the home for F35 lightenings which we did not see. As much as the aircraft, I was amazed by the size of the hangers.

After returning to the van, we did a large shop at Walmart, readying ourselves for some time in the KOFA wilderness. Tonight the two “astronomers” plan to try out David’s camera on the telescope.

Added later: It was not a good night for stargazing. The wind whipped up a huge dust storm.

Happy Valentine’s Day to all.
