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Fri 24-Feb-2023 Texas, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Davis Mountain State Park

Davis Mountain State Park

We spent most of the morning dealing with technical problems. We took Janet’s iPad to the Apple Genius Bar. On Tuesday her iPad seemed to get stuck doing an IOS update. The screen displayed a non-moving waiting circle — for three days. At the Apple Srore after trying numerous things, they had to reload the entire operating system. Currently, the iPad is downloading all the data from the cloud. No charge.

Then David visited the ATT store to find out why out NetGear hotspot is working erratically — as is his iPhone. Seems the problem is the 5G updates are being done on various towers. The hotspot works well in non-5G areas.

From El Paso we drove to Davis Mountain State Park. The drive on Interstate 10 was uneventful, but the drive on 118 to the park was spectacular. We traveled up and through the mountains. At places there were lots of cedars and sometimes grass and shrub fields with cattle grazing. Lots of babies.

What a difference 7 years makes. When last we visited this park, January 24, 2016, the camping area was nearly empty. We had our choice of camping sites. Today (Saturday evening), we got the last site available – a rather cramped spot right between two tent sites. The only saving grace is that the sites are surrounded by live oaks. Probably the difference is that last time was a cool Thursday in January. Today is a cool Friday in late February. We are told that Texans do a lot of camping in February, March, and April — before the heat sets in. As may need to start planning ahead on our trips. We were a bit sorry that we didn’t stop at one of the Overnight parking areas (see photos) along 118 rather than continuing on to the park.

We still enjoy a nice dinner on the picnic table before moving inside.

The AT&T internet was slow here.
