Ft. Stockton East | David, Janet, and our Van
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Wed 25-Feb-2015 Texas, Travel | | Map

Ft. Stockton East

Ft. Stockton East

After the temperatures warmed up (it was 28–degrees when we awoke) and the sun came out, we headed east on I-10.  The scenery was typical for the area — flat with islands of mountains and mesas.  The road cuts through the mesas are beautiful — yellow limestone.  We soon began to see evidence of the Texas energy industry — windmills and oil wells.  We crossed the Pecos River which looked like little more than a small stream here.

Near Junction, TX we stopped for the night at the South Llano River State Park.   One of the claims to fame of this park is a large turkey roost area.  After finding our site we immediately took a quick walk as the roost area near the river is open for hiking only from 10–3 so as not to disturb the birds.  Our walk was pleasant, but not a turkey was to be seen — though later right at dusk we did hear them off in the woods.  Since turkeys are very shy, none of this was surprising.  We did see deer, jays, a mockingbird, and lots of little song birds to far away and fleet to identify.

The campground here is very nice.  Electric and water at the sites which are long, level and widely spaced.  There are lots of trees — mostly oak, but some “butternut”.  On our after dinner campground walk we found a number of friendly folks with whom to share traveling experiences.
