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Sat 20-Jul-2019 Travel, Wisconsin | 0 comments | Map

Wisconsin Visit

Wisconsin Visit

We started our trip to eastern Canada with a drive north through Wisconsin – visiting family along the way.  Our first stop was at cousin Kathleen’s Farm near Barneveld where were we’re able to help start the setup of a water slide in preparation for a family reunion to celebrate her 70th birthday. Must say, resting in the pool at the bottom of the slide was a happy respite from the heat.  We managed to complete a few other tasks in spite of the horrendous, most un-Wisconsin-like heat.  One evening we drove to cousin Robin’s new home for a delightful dinner — a lovely home with giant trees and gorgeous gardens.

From Kathleen’s we headed into town to visit Emily who was to return from a visit with Amanda in Bend OR on Tuesday night (16th), but her plane was delayed until Wednesday.  Once she arrived on Wednesday we enjoyed helping her around the house and shopping.  Once again the heat was oppressive so much of the yard work I had planned went by the wayside though I weeded some and David cleaned her gutters.

Saturday we left early for Steven’s cabin in Mercer.  The trip north included a stop for groceries and to dump our tanks and a violent thunderstorm.  We were fortunate to miss the most violent part, but saw the aftermath as we drove near Stevens Point.  Many pine trees had been broken off a few feet from the ground and tossed into the southbound lanes of the interstate.  Northbound was not effected as the westerly winds made the trees fall away from the road.  The good news about the storm was that the temperature dropped from 86-degrees to 62-degrees.

By the time was got to the cabin the temperature was a lovely 70-degrees with sun and blue sky.  We enjoyed a dinner of potatoes, onions, and egg with salad and a walk (in spite of the mosquitoes).  David went out later for a walk but took his mosquito net the next time.
