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Sat 3-Aug-2019 New Brunswick, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Fundy NP Hiking

Fundy NP Hiking

We started the morning by walking down to the Pointe Wolfe Beach to watch the tide come in. We had, sort of, seen the beach when the tide was out on Wednesday when we arrived, but the fog was very dense. An interesting experience, but we hadn’t seen much of the beach.

We enjoyed walking the beach up to the point where the Point Wolfe River joins the sea. At high tide, the river valley fills up with the sea. The beach is full of large rocks, small rocks, and coarse sand. I found exactly one shell. Surprisingly, there is virtually no trash.

After hiking back up the hill, we took the Shiphaven Trail along the cliff to the covered bridge over the river. The bridge is near the location where there was for 100-years a lumber mill powered by the water passing over a dam in the river. The dam has now been removed so that salmon can once again make their way up the river to spawn.

After our 2+ miles of walking, we returned to the van for a brief “sit,” then headed over to the trailhead for the Dickson Falls. The walk (a short 1/2 mile) there took us down many stairs to the falls. The valley is amazingly verdant. Moss and ferns cover every rock. This creek is completely contained within the park — it rises from a spring in the park, then flows through the park to the Bay of Fundy. A nice walk, but so many people — a Saturday on a holiday weekend.



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