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Monahans to ElPaso

Sun 29-Jan-2023 Texas, Travel | 0 comments

It’s just a 4 hour drive from Monahans to ElPaso.  little to see on the way.  Scrub trees and dry grass.  Little at the exits — mostly abandoned... more

Austin to Del Rio

Wed 25-Jan-2023 Texas, Travel | 0 comments

Pleasant drive today under blue skies.  Pleasant except for the traffic jam in San Antonio — too much construction and too many cars.  Once past the... more

Shoreline trail

Mon 23-Jan-2023 Texas, Travel | 0 comments

After an early start we headed to ThermoKing of Dallas so they could fix our Espar diesel heater.  It was a quick 30-minute trip.  The passenger seat had to... more

Dorba trail

Sun 22-Jan-2023 Texas, Travel | 0 comments

Another 3-mile hike on hard packed clay through mostly cedar (Ashe Junioer).  The difference today was that bikes are permitted and in general there are lots of hikers... more