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Wed 14-Aug-2019 New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Kouchibouguac to Prince Edward Island

Kouchibouguac to Prince Edward Island

We left Kouchibouguac NP a day early because we had some stops to make to replace items which had been stolen on Sunday. At a RV sales and supply store was able to buy the plug we needed for a new cord. David will have to attach a cord to it.

We stopped at a beer store to stock up, but ran into a problem when your credit card was de lined. We paid in cash. When I called Chase about the problem, I was told that the card was declined because it was being used in an area where it had not been used before. This in spite of the fact that I had reported we would be traveling and given them a list of all the places we would be traveling!

From there we headed to the Confederation Bridge that would take us to Prince Edward Island (PEI). We stopped at the Cape Jourimain National Wildlife Area. Basically we wanted to take pictures of the bridge from the ground. There are numerous walks there which would have been fun to take, but we had other places we wanted to see.

After crossing the 8-mile Confederation bridge, we turned right onto PE10 to drive along the coast. There are beautiful, manicured farms — hay, rape seed from which cannoli oil is made, potatoes, and a few truck farms growing all sorts of vegetables. We stopped at one of the latter to buy some tomatoes, squash, and corn.

Before returning to the TransCanadian Highway, we continued along the coast on PE116 stopping at Victoria which is a favorite tourist stop. It’s a lovely place which would be even more lovely if there were fewer people and cars there.

We drove into Charlottetown for a shopping trip at an Atlantic Superstore – a very complete grocery store with high quality produce. From there we drove to Walmart and Home Depot. We will be spending the evening in the Walmart parking lot along with another dozen or so RVs. Our reservation doesn’t start at PEI NP until tomorrow at 2:00 so we are making do.
