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Tue 6-Aug-2019 New Brunswick, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Cape Enrage

Cape Enrage

We drove about 12 miles northeast along the coast to Cape Enrage. The NB brochure we have suggested it as one of the better beaches to visit. The drive is along a winding, rough road with many steep inclines. We first came to a protected beach between two high cliffs. Since it was low tide, the beach extended out as a mudflat for nearly 1/2 mile.

We continued on to the Cape Enrage where there is an old lighthouse. The lighthouse was originally built in 1838 and is still operational. It is now automated, but was originally coal fired and operated by two families. The keepers house is now occupied by a restaurant that, according to Trip advisor, is gourmet quality.

To enter the area we had to pay $5.50 each. We also discovered that dry camping is permitted here and on the beach we had passed on the way in. We wandered around reading the various informational signs and talked with one of two interpreters stationed near the stairs. The stairs lead to a lower level from which we could walk down the 94 steps to the beach or the 27 steps up to the lighthouse. Yes, I was counting. There are also “adventure” activities available for a fee — zip lining and rappelling down the cliffs to the beach — we took the stairs.

The beach was, once again, different from any we have seen so far. This one has high cliffs and large rocks. Many of the rocks have fossils or show erosion from the tides. Others are covered with what I assume is a sea grass which at low tides lays flat in the rocks. The tides come all the way to the cliffs when high so the beach is accessible only at low tide.

After a nice walk on the beach we headed back up the stairs and visited the lighthouse. We saw signs warning that if the fog horn were to blow it could damage our hearing. Fortunately it was a bight, sunny day.

After a quick stop at the gift shop which has a collection of books and some local art, we drove back to the first beach we had seen on the way in. Another interesting beach: Large rocks near the road, a rim of seaweed washed up during a stormy high tide, small rocks, then muddy sand. The tide was on the way in so many of the mudflats we had viewed on the way to the cape were now underwater. It was very pleasant to walk the mud-sand and view the water-made patterns in the sand.

Upon returning to Fundy NP we moved to our new site in the Chignecto CG. We love our site (122). We were originally sited at 239, but there is construction in the area; the greeter said that unless we liked the sound of heavy machinery and hammering, she would like to resite us.

The site is large and nestled in among spruce trees. We can barely see neighbors. We have electric, a fire ring, and picnic tables. There are flush toilets and showers nearby. This is our first large, private campsite during our stay in Fundy.
