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Mon 5-Aug-2019 New Brunswick, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Alma NB

Alma NB

Walked down to Alma today. It’s an easy trip as there is a long steep staircase from the campground to the road that leads into Alma.

We enjoyed walking the beach and watching the tide come in. It quickly filled up the harbor and floated the boats tied up there— they had been sitting in mud the last time we had looked. One boat crew were saying goodbye to their families and heading out as we watched.

After a brief walk down the entire Main Street, we returned to the Tipsy Tails restaurant for lunch. Even though it was nearly two o’clock we had to wait to be seated. Lunch was good: Lobster poutine, seafood chowder, and a green salad. Chowder was excellent, but a little heavy on the potatoes and light on the fish. Perhaps the most innovative part was a biscuit with fennel and thyme.

After a walk up the hill. We stopped briefly at the visitor’s center which had a few interesting pictures and tables where people can sit and use the wi-if. For us, we have found that we have very good fast ATT service at this campground so we headed back to spend the afternoon reading.
