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Tue 29-Aug-2017 Travel, Utah | | Map

Watchman Trail

Watchman Trail

Today’s early morning walk was the Watchman Trail — a 3-4 mile walk up to great views of the canyon.  Since the trail is on the east side of the canyon, we hiked primarily in the shade and because we started early, it was a balmy 77-degrees with a breeze.  Of course, by the time we returned to the van 4 hours later it was 86-degrees.

The well-traveled trail is an easy hike even with 500 feet of elevation gain.  The views of the lower canyon and west side are breathtaking.  At the top you are treated to a loop trail that gives excellent views of the east side mountains and, in particular, the Watchman Mountain which was by this time mostly in sunlight.

We were back to our van by noon for lunch and a quiet afternoon — avoiding the heat which once again is in the upper 90s.
