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Sat 27-Dec-2014 Belize, Travel | 1 comment | Map

Snorkeling and a Birthday

Snorkeling and a Birthday

At 7:30 we headed down the road to meet our captain for a snorkeling trip.  There was quite a  bit of wind and waves, but our captain promised things would calm in time.

The trip out to the reef — about 40 minutes — was quite wet and rough, but fun.

The snorkeling was fantastic.  David commented that he had never seen such colorful coral.  Amanda, who had never snorkeled before, was very excited.  True to his promise, the winds calmed down and the sun came out as the morning wore on.  On the way back we saw dolphins swimming about.

We returned to our rental for a late lunch.  Janet and David found the ATM machine in town — we were running out of cash for the grocery.  After lunch Amanda and Janet set off to the grocery to buy supplies for Andrew’s birthday dinner — 40 today.  As we headed out our lane we met a fisherman with a cooler full of fresh fish.  We purchased a five pounds of Pompano and another fish we didn’t know called “striker.”  We then continued on our search looking for a birthday cake.  We finally found Caitlin’s bakery three blocks off the main drag.  She had some banana-chocolate chip cakes which would do, and even provided us with a candle.

A word about our grocery.  The grocery is just on the corner near our rental.  It is very convenient, but means that we don’t always plan as well as we might.  Probably 5 times a day one of us walks over and buy a little something we need.  On the one hand, we aren’t planning ahead much, but on the other we aren’t wasting much as we use everything up before buying something else.  The grocery is well-stocked except for vegetables which are available either from the fruit truck or the cart up the street.  All meat at the store is frozen, but good quality. 

Andrew, in spite of the fact that it was his birthday, cleaned the fish.  It was fun to watch the frigate birds diving for the heads and tails which he tossed into the water.  The frigates, pelicans, and, even, turkey vultures are always patrolling the beach.

Our dinner was fantastic.  The fish, which we grilled, was outstanding.  We had fresh green beans from the vegetable truck, mashed yellow potatoes, cabbage with ginger, and a cucumber salad.  The cake, along with some pineapple carrot cake muffins and chocolate-zucchini muffins, was a hit.

After cleaning up the kitchen, we all headed off for bed with plans to leave at 8:00 for a caving adventure.



1 Comment

  1. Hi Janet & David,
    Jen sent me this link with your wonderful comments and pictures!! You are having one heck of a time from the looks of things…. We are so happy you are enjoying your retirement in such a special way!! Stay well and keep us posted! Lots of love to you and your family and thank you for showing our kids such a fabulous time in Belize!! xoxo

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