Wed 18-Jan-2023 Illinois, Travel |
After emptying spa and feeding cats and llamas, we locked up and headed south with a stop at the Hearing Center for an update to David’s hearing aids. Soon after crossing into IL, the rain started in...
Wed 12-Oct-2022 Michigan, Travel |
We finally managed to clear our schedule for a week-long trip to Michigan. We were hoping for good weather and beautiful fall colors — Michigan mostly delivered. Our first four nights of camping were at...
Sat 13-Aug-2022 Events |
Nora, David’s niece, has been trying to celebrate her marriage since August of 2020. After being twice postponed, the wedding was finally held on the family island near Kingston Ontario on August 13,...
Fri 12-Aug-2022 Ontario, Travel |
In 1972 David and I built a small (16×20) cabin in the woods on the little island next to Major Island. It’s just a bedroom in the woods with a sleeping loft — no running water and a gas...
Fri 24-Jun-2022 Travel, Wisconsin |
Before their busy summer season began, we spent a few days with Steven, Sarah, and Clay at their cabin near Mercer. We took some nice walks (Steven and family are trying to visit all the waterfalls in the...
Thu 9-Jun-2022 Family |
David took down a huge oat tree, so we called on the boys to split it. Wyatt and Clay had offered to make a road trip down and split for two days. They are amazing workers. Hardly stopped to rest or eat. We...
Mon 6-Jun-2022 Maryland, Travel |
Graham graduated from high school on June 6. We had planned our trip to deliver Vanessa so that we could attend. As it turned out, David and I chose to stay home and watch the ceremony from Andrew’s...
Sun 5-Jun-2022 Maryland, Travel |
It was a beautiful day for a soccer game. We drove to the pitch and watched from up on the hill in the bleachers. Geleta is fast and aggressive. Made us proud.
Thu 2-Jun-2022 Maryland, Travel |
Now that we have Savanna, we do not need Vanessa. We rented her out a couple of times, but there is not as much call for rentals in the more rural midwest, so we discussed with Andrew and he agreed he would...
Thu 19-May-2022 Indiana, Travel |
One of our favorite Indiana state parks, but had not been here for years and never camped there — just day trips. After our stay at Blackwell Horse Camp we drove to Turkey Run. The campground there is a...
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