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Fri 23-Aug-2019 Prince Edward Island, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Homestead Trail

Homestead Trail

We started the morning by driving a few miles to the commercial area of Cavendish. We have run out of Canadian cash and sought an ATM. While there we also stopped at the fish market and discovered a small liquor shop that carried PEI beer. Something we had not tried yet.

After returning to our campsite we walked over to the trailhead for the Homestead Trail. The trail cuts through some spruce and birch woods, then breaks out to a view of New London Bay which is sheltered by the sand dunes of Cavendish beach, next skirts a hay field that had recently been baled, and finally heads back to the campground on the side of a narrow inlet of the bay. The trail has two loops, but we walked just one of them for a nearly 4 mile walk. The views of the bay are beautiful. On the way back we saw some paragliders out over it. The one problem with this trail was right at the beginning on the spur from the campground to the loop — mosquitoes. This is the first time we have really encountered them on any of our walks. Fortunately Cutters kept them at bay.

Upon returning to our campsite we realized that the wood we had planned to use to grill our dinner had disappeared. Probably it was taken yesterday while we were out on our drive to North Cape and we had just noticed now. Because it had been raining just before we left on that drive, we had left nothing but our door mat and locked electric cord in the site. I’m assuming that another camper though we had left permanently and helped themselves to our wood. This is a bit of a problem with a Class B RV. When we go off sightseeing our campsite can look deserted. We think we should probably leave our tablecloth out in the future. It’s a pretty obvious signal that we plan to be back.

We walked down to the registration kiosk in the front and bought another bag of wood so David could split it and build a fire.

Dinner was delicious — grilled local corn, local beans, local tomatoes, grilled halibut, and steamed oysters. We enjoyed the oysters, but have decided we really prefer PEI mussels.

After dinner we walked to the beach for one last walk. The surf was quite high — as high as we have seen it here. Tomorrow we take the ferry to Nova Scotia.



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