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Sat 4-Jun-2016 Events, Swarthmore HS '66 50th | 0 comments | Map

SHS’66 – Borough Tour

SHS’66 – Borough Tour

Many of the class have remained in the area, but most have not been back to Swarthmore in years so they have not seen the town evolve.   Two, Weemie Toland Kingham and Larry Luder, met about 25 of us at the new Inn at Swarthmore for a tour of the borough.  The Inn and the new round-a-bout are the two most obvious changes to the Village — that and Michaels now being a Dunkin Donuts!  The Inn is attractive and provides a nice gathering spot as well as a bar – yes, alcoholic beverages are sold in Swarthmore!  The round-a-bout makes it possible to cross Chester Road at Rutgers without being killed.

Larry and Weemie took us through the Village, along Dartmouth to the newly renovated pedestrian underpass from South Princeton to the high school, then along South Princeton and Lafayette to the borough hall.  Along the way we identified where Jack Renshaw’s dad used to have his business and the former houses of Linda Estabrook Gilbert, Eric Sundquist, Debby Torrey Meltz, and Kathy Madison Cerino.  At the fire station, Larry (was fire chief for 34 years) showed us around; we saw the equipment, the fire association lounge, the borough offices, and library.  Thanks Larry for such a comprehensive tour.

We dispersed to find lunch on our own and hang out until time for dinner.   I don’t know about others, but after a nice lunch with Jack Price and Peter Weber, my husband and I took a nap.  Sign of our ages.

All photos by David Elmore, and blog text and titles by Janet Fox Elmore. Click on the printer icon to order prints from David’s company, Click elsewhere on the thumbnail to view a full-screen slideshow. On a PC you can remove the top browser banner with F11. From the slideshow view you can add comments on individual photos. Below you can see where the photos were taken.



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