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Mon 23-Jan-2023 Texas, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Shoreline trail

Shoreline trail

After an early start we headed to ThermoKing of Dallas so they could fix our Espar diesel heater.  It was a quick 30-minute trip.  The passenger seat had to be removed as the heater is under it.  They checked out the heater and the fuel pump for it.  At first they thought the fuel pump was bad, but later decided that it had air in the line.  They bled the air and it now seems to work right.  No charge.  Texan hospitality.

What we want to know is why there was air in the line.  We hope it doesn’t happen again.

We returned to Cedar Hill as we want to run the heater hard before we leave the Dallas area.  We are back in site 288.  Before returning to our site, we took a walk along the shore . They are doing renovations on it, so it should be very nice soon.

Tomorrow we head south and west.
