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Wed 11-Sep-2019 New Brunswick, Travel | | Map

Rainy Fundy Day

As forecast it was a rainy day, very rainy, with fog moving in in the afternoon. Basically we edited pictures (David) and read (Janet).

We will not be heading back to Nova Scotia. The Kejimkujik National Park is closed “indefinitely” and most of the provincial parks are closed until later in the week. It’s sad as we will be missing seeing the Bay of Fundy from the Nova Scotia side and a ferry ride on the Fundy Rose from Digby NS to St John NB.

Janet spent some time mapping a route home with stops at various state and national parks. It meets our criterion that we shouldn’t drive more than four hours a day, but not that we should stay at any one stop for two to three days. We will try to get moving in the morning so that we can arrive at our next location with a bit of time to explore before dinner.
