Archives | David, Janet, and our Van
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Firefly Lake CG

Mon 12-Oct-2015 Travel, Wisconsin | 2 comments

After buttoning up Steven’s cabin for the winter, we headed south on US 51 to the Northern Highland American Legion Forest.  Our goal was to find a place to camp... more

Morgan Falls

Fri 9-Oct-2015 Travel, Wisconsin | 0 comments

The day was sunny with clouds rolling in and out. We found a trailhead to Morgan Falls and St. Peter’s Dome off the Ashland-Bayfield Road — a dirt road that runs... more

East Twin Lake CG

Wed 7-Oct-2015 Travel, Wisconsin | 0 comments

After a morning hike around the falls in Copper Falls State Park, we headed south and west to the Flambeau River State Forest, but we never made it there. First we... more

Madison WI

Fri 2-Oct-2015 Travel, Wisconsin | 0 comments

Steven and Sarah have a new cabin in northern Wisconsin and need a few things for it, so we rented a small U-Haul trailer and headed to Madison today.   The... more