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Unsettled Weather

Wed 31-Dec-2014 Belize, Travel | 1 comment

The day dawned with lots of winds and rain on the horizon.   The storm that passed through at 11:00 was violent and full of rain.  Andrew and GME had to... more

Cave Trip

Sun 28-Dec-2014 Belize, Travel | 0 comments

Amanda, Emily, Steven and Andrew with all the grandkids chose to drive up to near Belmopan for a cave-tubing adventure.  They loved it as they spent time exploring... more

Boxing Day

Fri 26-Dec-2014 Belize, Travel | 0 comments

The day after Christmas was very hot and calm. After a late night which seemed to have included lots of alcohol, the village awoke very slowly.  Grouper came to... more

Hopkins Beach

Mon 22-Dec-2014 Belize, Travel | 0 comments

Today was a beach day.  The beach here is absolutely beautiful.  Coconut palms provide shade right to the water and Seagulls cottages provides a shelter with... more