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Welcome to the photo blog for David and Janet Elmore. You can find pages full of photos from our trips with Vanessa or Savanna (our van-based RV) and pages that are a record of events with lots of photos. Many of our travel photos are connected to a map at the bottom of our posts so you can see where we went and can look for photos at specific places.

Below is a list of recent posts.

David and Janet

Goldwater Lake Hike

Tue 6-Mar-2018 Arizona, Travel |

First thing this morning we drove down the mountain into Prescott to do some grocery shopping. Prescott is a busy town with a charming “old town.” I hope we will find the time to wander around there — lots of...

Prescott National Forest

Mon 5-Mar-2018 Arizona, Travel |

We left the cacti, creosote, tamarisk, and acacia behind and headed up into the mountains near Prescott. Along the drive there were areas of farming — mostly alfalfa and grass which was stored in high stacks...

Alamo Lake SP – Loop E

Fri 2-Mar-2018 Arizona, Travel |

We decided to move to a loop E of the State park. The sites here are further apart, have great views of the lake and desert, and have good enough internet service so that we can watch Purdue play in the Big...

Alamo Lake Dam

Thu 1-Mar-2018 Arizona, Travel |

I heard burros braying during the night — loud enough to wake me up. Then this morning I saw 6 on the hill next to us — one was a very young baby! In the morning we took a drive to check out the other three...

Alamo Lake SP

Wed 28-Feb-2018 Arizona, Travel |

We moved from One state park to another. The drive was about 200 miles. After leaving Parker, we saw few homes or ranches. Near the town of Boise we saw a large feed plant that provides for a large egg laying...

Yucca Valley CA to Parker AZ

Tue 27-Feb-2018 Arizona, California, Travel |

Once again we drove through very arid, uninhabited desert — nearly 170 miles of not much. Just north of Joshua Tree NP are the towns of Joshua Tree and Twentynine Palms. After that is a lot of emptiness. We...

Salton Sea Visitors Center

Sun 25-Feb-2018 California, Travel |

As part of our daily walk, we went to the Salton Sea Visitors’ Center. They have a very informative display about the history and future of the sea as well as a 8 minute film about same. The sea is fast...

Imperial Wildlife Area

Fri 23-Feb-2018 California, Travel |

Yesterday when we arrived at the Salton Sea SRA, the sea was completely flat and calm. Over night a stiff westerly wind started up creating a surf on the lake. Quite a change. After breakfast we headed south...

Salton Sea SRA

Thu 22-Feb-2018 California, Travel |

We left our site in the Box Canyon BLM area and headed west down the canyon. A few miles from our dry arid campsite we crossed the Choachella Canal; on the other side was a green expanse of grapes, lettuce,...

Another Wander Through Canyons

Wed 21-Feb-2018 California, Travel |

We tried to replicate yesterday’s walk up through a canyon to an overlook, but kept running into dead ends. So we would back track and move along to another canyon. We finally managed to climb up to a ridge...