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Wed 10-Feb-2016 Texas, Travel | 0 comments | Map

McClennan Creek National Grassland

McClennan Creek National Grassland

We left Lubbock TX this morning and headed north and east through flat, desolate, except for agriculture, land. After living in Indiana, you would think we understood flat, but this is different. It is flat, no hedgerows, few houses, just enormous fields that stretch forever.

Just off Interstate 40, David found the McClennan Creek National Grassland. What a gem. There is a dammed lake in the middle of scrub and yucca. We walked around the lake — about five miles. The lake is full of ducks, with geese overhead. In the campground we watched robins, the first of this trip, huge doves, and hawks. No one else is here. A perfect evening.

McClennan Creek Campground Review: Nice campground with 20 electric sites. Since we are here alone, it is hard to imagine what it would be like to camp with a full campground and lots of people using the ATV trails that we walked alone today. The sites are level, some are close to each other’s, others are more separate, but none are “private.” Hot showers. Playground. Lots of picnic tables. Dump on the way out. ATT Internet and phone with our booster.



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