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Mon 29-Dec-2014 Belize, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Leaving and Hopkins Rental Number 2

Leaving and Hopkins Rental Number 2

Today Amanda, Emily, and Steven and family headed home while the rest of us packed up and moved further south to our new rental.

We had been told that the new rental would be available any time after 9:00.  Since Juanita wanted us to leave rental number one so she could get it cleaned for her new guests, we headed out about 10:00.  Of course, the new rental had not been cleaned, so we sat out on our beautiful porch while Marto and family cleaned the rental.  This rental has two floors — we are renting the first floor and another family has the second floor.  The condo is huge and recently renovated.  We have 2 large bedrooms (one with kitchenette) and a huge great room.  The great room is larger than our entire last rental!  It has a dish washer and ice maker AND a washer and dryer.  It also has limited hot water and lots of black flies.

Soon I found a message from Emily that she had left a ring in the old rental.  Andrew and Jen went back for it, and found it!  Emily was very happy.

Unfortunately, the trip back for our family was not so great.  The passport control in Miami was disorganized and the lines were long.  Emily and Amanda managed to get through and make their flights, but Steven and family missed their connection to Chicago.  They ended up waiting in multiple lines with American airlines, but were unable to get a flight today.  They found a hotel, slept a little and showered, and finally made a flight in the morning.  Not a very nice end to a fun vacation.  Steven said he spent a lot of the time he was in line writing letters to American in his head.

We ended our evening with a quiet family dinner and went to bed early.  The condo has two king sized beads and 3 queen-sized futons.  Lots of bed choices as well as fans and air conditioning.  We are in luxury accommodations here.



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