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Tue 4-Jun-2024 Idaho, Oregon, Travel | | Map

Idaho and Eastern Oregon

Idaho and Eastern Oregon

After breakfast we spent some time driving and walking through the lava flows of Craters of the Moon NM. It was a bright, sunny day with just a bit of wind. There were a number of paths to the tops of cinder cones so we could look down into the crater. More wildflowers and flowering plants — brittlebush, fever few, and purple monkey flower.

As we set off to the west we were pleased that our cruise control was once again working. It had stopped yesterday during the heavy winds. Actually, it was the safe-following sensor that shut off which disables the cruise control. We think that the sensors think the van is slipping, as on ice, when it is being buffeted by wind.

Our route took us across US 26-20, to I-84, and then back to 20. Lots of soft green hills, irrigated fields, some lava flows, and desert. We easily passed through Boise on the interstate and a number of small towns in Oregon — Burns was a very nice one. Mostly we were on a plateau at between 4- and 5000 feet with occasional climbs to 6- to 7000 feet.

We stopped for the night at Chickahominy Reservoir, a BLM property right off the road. We secured a spot right on the shore and watched the sunset over the water while we ate dinner. There are about 40 sites here with picnic tables. $16 per night, but half that with a golden age pass.
