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Wind, rain, and fog

Mon 3-Jun-2024 Idaho, Travel, Wyoming |

It was quite a day. We left the Gros Ventre CG and drove through Jackson where we admired the elk antler arches. The Tetons were covered in fog today — nearly... more

The Tetons

Sun 2-Jun-2024 Travel, Wyoming |

From Sinks Canyon we took a leisurely drive across 26 through many mountains and a pass at over 9000 feet. We had views of the snowcapped Tetons all day. After we... more

Evanston WY to Sidney NE

Tue 1-Aug-2023 Nebraska, Travel, Wyoming |

Another day driving through the heat — upper nineties in places. Most of the time in WY we were at 6000 feet or above, so the heat wasn’t so bad. We actually climbed to... more

Beartooth Highway

Fri 28-Jun-2013 Travel, Wyoming | 0 comments

We left Yellowstone at the northeast exit and headed towards Montana on the Beartooth Highway.  The road reaches almost 11,000 feet elevation and most of the... more