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Wed 16-Jun-2021 Minnesota, Travel, Wisconsin | 0 comments | Map

Ferguson Falls MN to Pigeon Creek WI

Ferguson Falls MN to Pigeon Creek WI

Drove through green fields of corn and wheat today with lots of lakes and ponds.

We stopped in Minneapolis at the Sprinter dealer because we have been having trouble with the four-wheel drive on our new Sprinter. It decides it wants to go into four-wheel drive even though we have not pressed the buttons. But it keeps trying. The service advisor at Sears automotive reassured us a bit about the issue, but a,so said we needed to have it looked at in Indianapolis. Of course, it did not misbehave at the shop, but did once again later.

Wisconsin was much like Minnesota, but soon the grass was very brown. They are in the beginning of a drought.

We decided to spend the night at Pigeon Creek campground in the black River State Forest. We had stayed here many years ago, maybe 8 or 9, with Wyatt and Clay. Very nice campground with a shallow lake. We recall how much the boys enjoyed the lake and Sandy beach but not the bugs.



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