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La Pine State Park

Tue 18-Jun-2024 Oregon, Travel | 0 comments

After a quiet morning, we packed up and headed out to the state park not far from Bo;s house — we will be nearby but I am going to miss my morning snuggles with Bo.... more

Bo’s House

Mon 17-Jun-2024 Oregon, Travel | 0 comments

We returned to Bo’s house to visit for 4 nights. We arrived on Friday after completing a few housekeeping chores. A few groceries at the grocery outlet with a later... more

Deschutes National Forest

Mon 10-Jun-2024 Events | 0 comments

We left Amanda and Brian’s after breakfast. After some shopping at Ray’s Food Market (rather expensive) and dumping at Gordy’s tuck stop ($13 – rather expensive),... more

Last miles to Bo’s house

Wed 5-Jun-2024 Oregon, Travel |

We left Chickahominey Reservoir in a cloud of mosquitoes. All those fishermen out there must be catching too many of the fish or the fish just aren’t doing their job.... more

Idaho and Eastern Oregon

Tue 4-Jun-2024 Idaho, Oregon, Travel |

After breakfast we spent some time driving and walking through the lava flows of Craters of the Moon NM. It was a bright, sunny day with just a bit of wind. There were... more