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Sat 29-May-2021 Oregon, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Desert camping

Desert camping

For the Memorial Day weekend we planned to camp with Amanda and Brian’s friends Kate and Dylan at a secluded spot on the Silver Lake Reservoir. Unfortunately when we arrived on Friday afternoon the spot was already taken though we found a great place a bit further up the road shaded by a large Juniper tree. The area is very desert like (sage, rabbit bush, and Junioer) and super dusty. The reservoir itself is nearly empty.

We had a nice evening around the campfire – lots of dry Juniper wood could be cut with Brian’s chainsaw.

On Saturday, after Paige arrived, we drove to Thompson Reservoir which had a bit more water. Brian took out his kayak to fish and Dylan fished from shore, hoping for surf and turf for dinner. We ended up with turf only. Amanda took out her paddle board while the rest of us relaxed in shade on the shore, this reservoir was exceeding low also – a thirty foot pier was lying on the bank and missed the water’s edge by about 15 feet.

We returned to the campsite for the aforementioned turf (steak) dinner.

Sunday while we were getting ready to leave a bull came wandering up the road. Both dogs greeted him heartily, but he barreled on.

We rushed back to town to clean up and attend a party with Brian’s colleagues. A fun group of people and food from a food truck. The tacos were amazing and homemade beer.
