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Wed 22-Mar-2017 Illinois, Indiana, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Amarillo to West Lafayette

The drive home was quick. The weather was clear, very warm, but a little windy.

Our last night out, in order not to arrive home just at dark, we stopped at Kickapoo State Park in Illinois. This is a large park located on a number of lakes created by mining operations. Most of the park’s camping was still closed for the winter, but one electric loop was open. As the weather had turned cold (upper 20s over night) we were nearly the only people there — one other couple tent camping after a day of canoeing and an unoccupied fifth wheel.

Review of Brian Plawer Campground in Kickapoo SP: Nice large, level spaces with picnic tables and food hangers. About one-third of the camping spaces have electric. An RV dump is available. Some are reservable through Reserve America. Lots of places to walk, boat, and swim within the park. TV and AT&T cell reception were good.

The drive home from Kickapoo was just a couple of hours so we were home in plenty of time to unpack and get settled after 71 days away. The cats were happy to see us.
