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Anchorage II

Mon 30-Jun-2014 Alaska, Travel | 0 comments

Today was a housekeeping day. Our van needed its 30K oil change. We needed stops at the post office and the grocery. Once done, we headed to the zoo to see the animals... more

Seward Highway

Sun 29-Jun-2014 Alaska, Travel | 0 comments

Paul had suggested a view and hike near his home. We headed to the trailhead for Flat Top. The views of Anchorage and the mountains on the Kenai Peninsula were... more

Anchorage I

Sat 28-Jun-2014 Alaska, Travel | 0 comments

Gorgeous ride from Matanuska Glacier through Palmer to Anchorage. Spectacular views of the river valley and mountains behind. For a while the road became quite narrow... more

Glenn Highway

Fri 27-Jun-2014 Alaska, Travel | 0 comments

We finished driving west on the Tok Cut-Off, met the Richardson Highway for about 10 miles, then headed west on the Glenn Highway. At Glennallen we made a stop at the... more


Tue 24-Jun-2014 Alaska, Travel | 0 comments

Raining in the morning so we skipped our planned walk through the woods to a beach. Instead we drove to the boat ramp and enjoyed the beautiful view before heading into... more

Juneau to Haines

Mon 23-Jun-2014 Alaska, Travel | 0 comments

Ugh! What a terrible day. The rain continued all night and into the morning. We arrived at the ferry terminal at about 5:30 to find that the ferry was running “15... more

Mendenhall Campground

Sun 22-Jun-2014 Alaska, Travel | 0 comments

It was a rainy, dismal day that we spent reading, organizing supplies, and editing photos. It was such an uneventful day that we pretty much decided not to bother with... more

Juneau Hikes

Sat 21-Jun-2014 Alaska, Travel | 0 comments

Given that it was a sunny day, we decided to hike. Originally we had planned to go over to Douglas Island (the island across the channel from Juneau) but instead... more