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Sat 7-Sep-2019 Nova Scotia, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Waiting for Dorian

Hurricane Dorian finally reached Nova Scotia about noon today but not yet to the north side of the island. All of the provincial parks and national parks have been closed in Nova Scotia.  We are in the New Glasgow Walmart. We debated whether to head further west, but there is no certainty as to where the hurricane will really track and by this morning we feel it is too late to move. We do not want to be on the road today in a high-sided vehicle.

At this location we are in a protected area between the store and a high hill side.  The store is higher than most of the surrounding terrain.  Feels comfortable and safe, but we will see what the next 10 hours bring.  The good news is that the storm is now classified at category 1 and should weaken as it crosses the province.

Before the winds began we moved to the side of Walmart where we are between the store and a 25-foot Rock Cliff. We are very protected here and can move to a different side of the store if we need to. Unfortunately the store is now Category 2.



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