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Wed 16-Jul-2014 Alaska, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Trailercraft II

Trailercraft II

Today we learned that Trailercraft cannot get to our vehicle because the computer they use for diagnosis was sent to Anchorage and will not be back until afternoon. So we read/edited pictures and then headed out to a co-op gallery we had wanted to see last week but had found closed. Nice high quality work. Then we went to the Farmers’ Market which was great — nice mix of vegetables, homemade jams, and handcrafted items.

We returned to Trailercraft to have them put the computer on our van. The problem seems to be in a sensor (as we predicted) which is sending erroneous messages to the computer. They can’t do the repair until they open a “case” with Sprinter – we are under warranty. That will happen tomorrow and then “parts are a day away.”

At least the Trailercraft lot is a nice quiet one. There is another RV “camping” here. They have an Allegro Bus that has been here having its engine rebuilt for the past week.



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