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Mon 20-Jun-2016 Indiana, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Ouabache State Park

Ouabache State Park

Today we had to drive a bit on I-90, but left it east of Cleveland to head down I-71 to reach Rt 30 that we would take across Ohio.  This route once again avoided traffic allowing us to drive on nearly empty, but interstate quality roads.

We did join the crowds for a Fathers’ Day lunch at an Asian grill just off I-71.  Excellent food and a nice place to walk to stretch our legs.

We stopped for the night at Ouabache State Park south of Fort Wayne IN (pronounced Wabash). It’s a nice family park with a lake and Olympic sized pool.  No more than 1/4 of the sites were occupied, so it was a quiet, private place to spend the night.  Most important, we had electric so we could use our air conditioning — after the cool weather in the Massachusetts mountains, the 90-degree heat of Indiana was a bit overwhelming.

In the morning we took a 3+ mile hike around the park before finishing the 3-hour drive which would take us home.



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