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Mon 15-Aug-2016 Brazil, Travel | 0 comments | Map

NBC Today Show

NBC Today Show

Monday morning was our day to head to the airport to go home, but first we had to go to the east end of Ipanema Beach to the Today Show set where the USA women’s eight was to be featured. We decided take an Uber, but the traffic was terrible and after a while we told the driver that we would walk the rest of the way. Have we mentioned that the traffic in Rio is awful.

The Today Show was a bit silly and a disappointment as they did not interview the rowers, just featured them on the beach while two of the co-hosts played a silly game. Medal winning swimmers were the main attraction and were interviewed multiple times in different hours. It was interesting to see how the show was shot and even more interesting to watch the show when we returned home as we had taped it here.

After a quick taxi back to our apartment and an even quicker job of packing and picking up the apartment, we were off to the Rio airport to head home. The flights back make for a long day – Rio to Sao Paulo to Dulles to Indy for Janet and Rio to Sao Paulo to Chicago to Indy for David. Have I mentioned I hate long plane flights.



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