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Mon 6-Mar-2023 Texas, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Janet’s iPad

Not much to report today. We left the Lost Maples Campround and drove to one of the Apple Stores in San Antonio. When there last Thursday they had not been able to trouble shoot the problem with the iPad so had ordered a replacement. She picked up the replacement, but said she wanted to set it up while in the store to make sure the problems did not recur.

A technician first updated the iPad to the current IOS. Then Janet started to set up the iPad with her ID and password. All went fine until she downloaded the iCloud backup. When the iPad restarted, it again stalled on the restart. A new technician wiped it clean again and told me to start again. Same result. Finally we decided that the iCloud backup must be the problem so I now have an iOad that has not yet failed, but has none of my data and apps. How we will handle this is yet to be seen.

Unfortunately the drive to San Antonio and the nearly three hours at the Apple Store took up most of the day. We landed once again in Kyle TX at a Walmart where we were able to do some much needed shopping and will spend the night. When we were here in January, yes, the same Walmart, it felt like winter but today the red buds are blooming and some flowers are in home gardens. At the mall where the Apple Store resides there were summer flowers blooming in the planters.



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