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Wed 26-Jun-2024 Montana, Travel | | Map

Far West FWP

Another over 400 miles driving, but it was easy as there were just a few passes to scale and we usually had a tail wind.

Similar sights out the window: dry fields unless irrigated, winter wheat in harvest or about to be harvested, hay ready for baling, snow capped mountains in the distance. A few notable sights: the Anaconda copper smelter smokestack (tallest brick stack in the world), sheep grazing instead of cattle, a field of very old cars and even Conestoga wagons without their canvas tops.

We stopped for the night at Far West FWP — a fishing access site just off I-94 along the Yellowstone River with about 6 sites and a pit toilet. They are nicely kept sites with a picnic table and fire ring. Decent ATT service. Two other parties were here when we arrived. We talked briefly with another camper who is biking east from Eugene OR. He had shipped his bike to Oregon and after biking along the coast he is headed back to his home near Harrisburg PA.
