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Linda Vista Loop

Tue 7-Feb-2017 Arizona, Travel |

Just a few miles south of the Catalina State Park is a lovely loopwalk up into the mountains. The views back over the Oro Valley were outstanding and the cacti were... more

Catalina State Park

Sun 5-Feb-2017 Arizona, Travel |

We are back in Saguaro Cactus Country. They are such magnificent plants. After a stop at the post office, we had a short drive to Catalina State Park.  This is a very... more

Desert Diamond Casino

Fri 3-Feb-2017 Arizona, Travel |

Many of the casinos allow dry camping in their parking lots.  It is often free.  At this casino, we found out later, we were supposed to first check in with the desk... more

Kartchner Caverns SP

Thu 2-Feb-2017 Arizona, Travel |

We returned to Kartchner Caverns SP because it is lovely, they have campwide Wi-Fi that David needed for some work, and we needed a physical address to receive our new... more

Parker Canyon Lake

Sun 29-Jan-2017 Arizona, Travel |

Lakeview CG is a two-hour drive west and south of the Whitewater Draw, near the Mexico border. The drive starts out through shrubby, grassy flat land with mountains in... more

WhiteWater Draw II

Sat 28-Jan-2017 Arizona, Travel |

We spent the night (free) at the WhiteWater site so that we could get up to watch the birds leaving again in the morning. It was 18-degrees in the morning and the birds... more

Whitewater Draw I

Fri 27-Jan-2017 Arizona, Travel |

Our friend Katherine suggested we might want to visit Whitewater Draw where thousands of Sandhill Cranes spend the winter. We did and found it fascinating and amazing.... more

Kartchner Caverns Trails

Thu 26-Jan-2017 Arizona, Travel |

We arrived in Arizona and decided to stay at Kartchner Caverns State Park. We were hoping for warmer weather — not. We stayed here last year and enjoyed one of... more

Franklin Mountains State Park

Tue 24-Jan-2017 Texas, Travel |

Franklin Mountains State Park is just a half hour drive from the city of El Paso, but is a world away.  The park is rugged and virtually deserted on a cool winter day.... more

El Paso

Sun 22-Jan-2017 Texas, Travel |

El Paso is just a short drive from Hueco Tanks.  We closed up camp and headed in with plans for a housekeeping day.  We had close to 2-weeks of laundry and a relatively... more