Imperial Wildlife Area
Yesterday when we arrived at the Salton Sea SRA, the sea was completely flat and calm. Over night a stiff westerly wind started up creating a surf on the lake. Quite a... more
Yesterday when we arrived at the Salton Sea SRA, the sea was completely flat and calm. Over night a stiff westerly wind started up creating a surf on the lake. Quite a... more
We left our site in the Box Canyon BLM area and headed west down the canyon. A few miles from our dry arid campsite we crossed the Choachella Canal; on the other side... more
We tried to replicate yesterday’s walk up through a canyon to an overlook, but kept running into dead ends. So we would back track and move along to another canyon. We... more
When we step out of the van, there are two canyons stretching off into the hills. We headed up one, determined to walk as far as we were able. The area here is lightly... more
We pulled up stakes in the KOFA wilderness and headed to the town of Quartzite for some much needed housekeeping and then on to Blythe CA to shop for groceries — the... more
Best weather of the week today, sunny and slightly breezy. However, as the day progressed, it became VERY windy. We set off in the morning to actually climb Crystal... more
We walked a bit out in the desert today. We wanted to check out Twelve Mile Well. The facility consists of an old windmill, probably not used any longer; a solar panel;... more
It rained overnight, but was sunny when we got up. First order of the day was to walk out about 1/3 mile toward the Livingston Hills and take some overhead pictures.... more
Another cool, gray, cloudy, and sometimes rainy day in the desert. We spent the morning reading while the air warmed up. Then David sent up his quad copter for a look... more
Leaving Yuma, heading north on route 95 we passed through gorgeous fields of lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, and more. All watered by canals from the Imperial dam. Soon... more
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