South Llano River SP
It was very cold in the morning (34 degrees) but it soon warmed up. With the temperature at 54 degrees and the sun shining we set off on a loop walk through the... more
It was very cold in the morning (34 degrees) but it soon warmed up. With the temperature at 54 degrees and the sun shining we set off on a loop walk through the... more
After the temperatures warmed up (it was 28–degrees when we awoke) and the sun came out, we headed east on I-10. The scenery was typical for the area... more
This morning the skies were still overcast and the air was cold (low 30s), but we decided it was time to leave Big Bend and start north and east. The roads... more
Everyone talks about the weather in Big Bend. How different it is from elevation to elevation. How quickly it can change. When hiking we have learned... more
After leaving the campground, we stopped at the trailhead for the Lost Mine Trail. The morning was cool and breezy so the hike up (1300 feet elevation gain over... more
Our hike today was along a canyon that is the only outlet from the Chisos Basin. The hike, about 5 miles round trip, took us to the end of the canyon where any... more
We left Big Bend Ranch State Park and traveled east about fifty miles to Big Bend National Park. The trip took us through an area of ranches and one small town,... more
We spent the day hiking on the south side of the park. There are so many hikes to take here, but we did just the ones that are off FM 170 on the south side of the... more
From Marfa we headed south. Our goal was the Big Bend Ranch State Park which is right along the Texas border with Mexico. As we traveled we wound through the... more
We left Arizona, drove through New Mexico, and ended up near Marfa Texas for the night. The terrain during the day had its ups and downs, but was mostly flat... more
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