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Sat 22-Jun-2024 Oregon, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Fall River Trail

We woke to another beautiful Oregon day — blue skies and sunny. Since it was to get overly warm, we headed out with Amanda, Bo, and Louie to the Fall River trail for a walk. What a beautiful trail. Lots of Indian Paintbrush and a yellow flower growing in mounds in the water. The latter might have been marsh marigolds, but we never got close enough to identify. Louie enjoyed many stick chasing adventures in the water. Louie never tires of fetching sticks whether on land or water.

In the heat of the afternoon after our 2.5-mile hike, we did some housekeeping chores — laundry, mopping the floors, vacuuming. David changed more lightbulbs to LEDs and Brian took a ride after fixing his electric bike.

Before dinner we were able to sit out in the shade on the veranda and toss more balls and sticks to Louie. The mosquitoes who were here when we arrived in early June have pretty much disappeared.

After a 90-degree day it was in the 40s over night. We aren’t used to such temperature swings, but it certainly makes it nice for sleeping at night.
