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Fri 21-Jun-2024 Oregon, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Three Sisters

Our plan for the day was to drive to the north side of the Three Sisters and then drive up closer to them to get good pictures. There was a lot of early mist, but the hot sun made it soon disappear.

After reaching Sisters we headed south into the mountains. There were lots of trees at roadside so there were just brief opening to see the mountains. At a sno-park we stopped to send up the drone, then traveled further up for more views and more drone flights. Up in the mountains there were lots of wildflowers in bloom — lupine, wild buckwheat, blue beard tongue, columbine, arrowleaf balsamroot. In Sisters there were quite a few home gardens with cool weather crops — primarily lettuce and Ccole crops.

As we headed back to Sisters we saw many places where it would be fun to camp, but we were headed back to Bo;s house.
