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Wed 5-Jun-2024 Oregon, Travel | | Map

Last miles to Bo’s house

Last miles to Bo’s house

We left Chickahominey Reservoir in a cloud of mosquitoes. All those fishermen out there must be catching too many of the fish or the fish just aren’t doing their job.

The last couple of hours of driving was through typical high desert, ending at the Costco in Bend. As usual the store was extremely busy and parking was an issue. We found most of what Amanda needed and headed south to La Pine.

La Pine has a rural feel to it. Large lots with pine trees. Some animals — horses, chickens, goats. Amanda and Brian’s home is large, on a 2.5 acre lot. The interior is spacious and open with lots of pine trim and flooring.

Amanda, Brian, and Bo met us at the door. Bo is 3 weeks old today and growing quickly. At his two week visit he was in the 94th percentile for head circumference and 99th for length. He is a sweet boy who just loves to be held.

We will spend a few days here visiting and helping, then will camp elsewhere for a while before returning for another visit.
