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Thu 13-Jul-2023 North Dakota, Travel | | Map

Magpie Campground

Magpie Campground

Nice drive through North Dakota today until the wind picked up in the mid afternoon.  Lots of repaving on 94, but  it never held us up.  Our plan was to see if we could get a campsite at the Teddy Roosevelt NP.  However, while I drove, David found a great little place, Magpie campground, in the National Grasslands.  The drive to the west of US 85 is on a smooth, well-maintained gravel road.  We encountered a few large gravel trucks and crossed numerous cattle guards. The drive in gave us spectacular views of the Badlands and  grassy meadows.  Everything is surprisingly lush and green.

The campground is in a valley.  Each site is secluded from the others and ours, number 3, has a lovely view of the badlands.  There is a picnic table, pit toilets, and fire ring — we will not be using the latter as it is so windy.  Grasshoppers everywhere.  Only complaint was some biting flies and no-see-ums ,  Not bad for $10 for the night.  Decent AT&T internet.

After we selected our site we sat for a few minutes in the shade.  It is in the 80s here today, but tonight it is supposed to cool to upper 50s.  Then we took a mile walk to an overlook for the Magpie River.  Along the way were lots of wildflowers — yellow cone flowers, echinacea, portulaca, and bee balm to name a few.  All the same flowers I have at home.

Dinner was on a table outside as the van was still quite warm.
